Nippon Denkai, Ltd.


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Information Security Policy

Nippon Denkai,Ltd. believes that it is our social responsibility to protect the information entrusted to us by our customers and business partners, personal information and confidential information held by us, and information on our facilities and products.
We declare that we will systematically and continuously work on information security.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    We comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other social norms related to information security.
  2. Information Security System and Practice of Internal Regulations
    We will establish an information security promotion system, formulate and implement internal regulations, and strive to appropriately manage information assets.
  3. Control Measures
    We will implement appropriate control measures against internal and external threats and strive to prevent information security incidents.
  4. Education and Training
    We continuously provide education and training on information security to all directors and employees. We will raise awareness of the importance of information security among all directors and employees, and ensure that internal rules and regulations are put into practice.
  5. Response to Incidents
    In the unlikely event of an information asset security incident (unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage, etc.), we will establish procedures to minimize the damage. In addition, we will strive to investigate the cause of the incident and prevent its recurrence.